United World Project


Turismo Sustentable NOA

The TSNOA project of sustainable tourism, supported by Amu and EoC, will expand and reach three other provinces in the North-West of Argentina (NOA): Salta, Catamarca and Jujuy.

The project works on the sustainable, ethical and responsible tourism sector as an opportunity for the human and social development of the indigenous and local communities, generating job opportunities in the field of community tourism. This includes crafts, agriculture, breeding and widespread hospitality, all areas where the community will receive a training to strengthen their knowledge.

In this way, families will be able to generate new sources of employment and income, improving the quality of life of their communities also through experiences of reciprocity and cooperation, typical of our projects. The Sustainable Tourism Programme was begun in 2010 upon encouragement from the Bishops Commission for Migration and Tourism.

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Turismo Sustentable NOA


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