United World Project


Egypt: bringing relief to Eritreans, Ethiopians and Sudaneses

31 October 2013   |   , ,
Rifugiati Eritrei


The young people were shocked to see children there, even small children. One child had been hit by a stray bullet as he was making his way across the border.
“It’s impossible to express the deep pain we felt in the face of such great suffering,” Abdo continues. “With our eyes filled with tears, we asked what evil thing these people had done that merited them to be in such a situation.”
But we didn’t lose heart. We split into groups, listened to people’s stories, tried to bring help and hope in God’s love. We provided material assistance for the most urgent needs.

“Some needed medicine, others clothing or a telephone in order to contact their families and inform them where they had ended up. But their first need was for someone to visit them, and show an interest in them.
The people running the jail told us that the main problem was food. Abdo recounts: “One day, we prepared a hundred small containers of kosheri, a typical Egyptian dish made with lentils, pasta and rice. Our meeting ended as usual with a moment of intense prayer. They were singing the psalms in their own languages, with one soul and one voice. They sang with such faith and strength that it enveloped us all in a deep spiritual atmosphere. It was very moving!”

Since then the visits have continued, involving Y4UW members from other Egyptian cities, such as Cairo and Sohag, in this strong experience. “Several Eritreans have already returned to their homeland, but new inmates who have been the victims of the same dramatic situation continue to arrive at the jail. Often we feel our powerlessness in not being able to do or give more, but we entrust them all to God who can do all things. Perhaps we’re only being asked to make this small contribution towards building a more united and fraternalworld.”