United World Project


History of the Week for a United World

10 March 2016   |   , ,

Twenty years after that historic moment, the balance is extremely positive. All editions of this “expo” have seen a lively participation all over the world. Yes, because the Week for a United World takes place simultaneously in major cities on the five continents, from the Philippines to the US, from Moscow to Tierra del Fuego, passing through Africa, the Middle East and other “hot” points of our planet.

There have been several initiatives in recent years that have seen the Week for a United World become more and more relevant in the public opinion, the media, and various institutions.
The new step will bring together a group of young people from various parts of the world to Quito (Ecuador), from May 1st to 10th, 2016. The theme will be centered on an intercultural theme, with a youth event on the so-called “Half of the world”, where one can put a foot on the northern hemisphere and the other on the southern hemisphere. They will be days of dialogue between young people of different cultures, through work, sharing and community tourism in the midst of an exuberant nature.

“Link Cultures – un camino para la paz” will be the title that unites the most diverse fraternal activities taking place simultaneously around the world and unite generations and cultures in one laboratory of fraternity.

The Youth for a United World is hoping that this international and itinerant event that is now over twenty years old, is also recognized by the UN.