United World Week
Here is an invitation for all of us – young people from all around the world, an invitation extended to national and international institutions, to public and independent agencies, to all people of good will. This invitation, this appointment is to participate in UNITED WORLD WEEK.
Its aim will be to encourage initiatives that promote unity at all levels.
Youth for a United World, Genfest 1995, Rome, Italy
This annual showcase of the United World Project is a coordinated global expo of the ideas, actions and initiatives which are inspired by a commitment to building a more peaceful, more united world.
Since its launch in May 1995, United World Week involves children, youth and adults in activities, conventions, campaigns and cultural exchanges aimed at impacting public opinion in their own societies. It generates a widescale shared testimony that a united world is possible, leaving a lasting mark on people, cities and institutions.
United World Ambassadors
«Both passion and experience are required to become a “united world ambassador”. Not only must they be spokespersons for peace-building activities and projects, these young people must also prove they have a kind of attenae to discover and tune into intentions and actions which promote the unity of the human family as a whole».
Marco Desalvo, President, New Humanity NGO
These are spokespersons for Youth for a United World (Y4UW) at national and international events and institutions. Their role involves creating collaborative relationships with their relative national UNESCO Commisions; contributing to and disseminating examples of good practice identified as part of the United World Project; and working towards recognition of United World Week by the United Nations.
The Ambassadors were selected through the United World Project earlier in 2018.
An annual worldwide relay race involving thousands of youths and children. Non-competitive yet highly motivational, the aim is for all participants to run as a united witness to their shared commitment for peace. Their prefered training program, living out the Golden Rule:
Do unto others what you would like them to do unto you. Don’t do to others what you would not like them to do unto you.
Promoted by Teens for Unity of the Focolare Movement, the race takes place every year on the first Sunday in May, from 11:00am to 12:00noon (in the different time zones), and is part of United World Week.
Hour by hour, as the day progresses, the participants of each time zone symbolically pass on the baton to the next set, generating a sense of connection and interest spanning the globe.
For more information and details on how to take part, go to the website: Run4Unity.
Click here to go to the SMU 2020 website.
Click here to go to the SMU 2021 website.
Click here to go to the SMU 2022 website.
Click here to go to the SMU 2023 website.
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