
Narrators in support of Iranian women. The saving power of the narrated word
2022 was not an easy year to talk about peace and human rights. We have seen entire cities bombed, as in the case of Ukraine, but we also saw populations unjustly attacked by their own leaders, to try to define...
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Human rights and fraternity: an ever-timely commitment
Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10 December. This date was not chosen randomly: on this day in 1948 the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We talked about this anniversary with Esther Salamanca and...
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Thank you Milonga, thank you volunteers of the world!
By Janeth Cárdenas Every year, millions of people volunteer throughout the whole world. The 5th of December is dedicated to them, proclaimed by the United Nations as “International Volunteer Day”. To celebrate, let’s discover the international volunteering project of “Milonga”,...
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Teens International: an international editorial board made up of teenagers
A look at the world with the aim of spreading “good news”. This is what animates the Teens International editorial offices scattered in various parts of the world and supported by the Città Nuova publishing group. A space created by...
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Economy of Francesco: young people for a new economy
More than 1000 young people from all over the world met in Assisi (Italy). Their aim: to redesign the economy together, giving it a soul, making it more sustainable, inclusive and attentive to the least. Pope Francis met them and...
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Pope Francis signs the “pact” with the youth: “a new economy is not utopia”
By Lucia Capuzzi On the 24th of September 2022, Pope Francis went to Assisi to meet the young economists, entrepreneurs and changemakers of the Economy of Francesco coming from over 100 countries of the world for the third edition of...
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Gen Verde. Peace as a compass
After two and a half years, the Gen Verde, the all – female international band with base at Loppiano (Italy) is back in tour, travelling over 4600 km, reaching Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic. A long journey to build...
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The challenges of the Economy of Francesco
Mark these dates: 22, 23, 24 September. Remember this place as well, Assisi, because these are the coordinates of the Economy of Francesco: young entrepreneurs, economists, change makers, called to gather since a few years now from Pope Francis, to...
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#OPLA – When poverty meets communion: front pages of a 31-year story
By Antonella Ferrucci On the occasion of the 31-year anniversary of the Economy of Communion, the 1st Newsletter of the Leo Andringa Poverty Observatory has been published. What specific contribution does the EoC make to the first goal of the...
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