United World Project


Casa del più piccolo San Michele Arcangelo

Accommodation for children, adolescents and young people at risk in collaboration with the families in view of a future reintegration in their families and an active social role. Through the encounter with the youth in the streets and by recognising their actual needs, the volunteers help them create secure relationships and offer them a possible and attractive alternative to street life by connecting them with relevant institutions and social programs or by encouraging their return to the biological family.

The project aims at gradually creating a family atmosphere through the presence, when possible, of social parents, and establish in this way a climate of attention and affection that can restore some stability to their lives.

Ongoing projects

Initial accommodation in Casas-Lares: a structure that offers support, family reintegration, substitute family care and social integration.
Professional education: aims to give a cultural foundation and provide both professional and ethic training courses for these teenagers and young people and othere resident in the neighbourhood. By enhancing their leadership skills, managerial autonomy and active citizenship, we aim to promote their insertion in the labour market.

Basic Health Units Padre Gärtner: in collaboration with the Municipality of Nova Iguaçu, we promote disease prevention programs, clinical laboratories, and care services– pediatric, dental treatment, monitoring of women during pregnancy, vaccination, home visits, medication. The program is addressed to children, teenagers, young people and their families.



