
A statement by New Humanity NGO President to assure our closeness and solidarity to all those who, worldwide, suffer the spreading of the COVID-19 pandemic, the call to Countries to contribute to building real fraternity among peoples, the invitation to join the #PillsOfHope Campaign.
Solidarity calls for Fraternity
Not a day goes by that I don’t receive a request for a prayer for someone who has not survived COVID-19, for those who have just been hospitalized, for those who live, struggle, and suffer to alleviate the suffering of those who are alone, vulnerable, or afraid… I think it is an experience that we all share everywhere in the world, either because we are touched directly by the virus, or because of the bonds that bring us altogether as one, large family, with the whole of humanity.
On behalf of the New Humanity NGO, I would like to assure you of our closeness and solidarity: to those who suffer, to those who have lost loved ones, to those who have not been able to say goodbye to them, and to sick people, especially the immunosuppressed and the elderly.
We would like to extend our gratitude to all health professionals, doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, medical researchers, and volunteers who, reaching beyond their strength, are at the forefront to treat and alleviate suffering, to give hope, and to preserve life. And we thank those who work so that essential production activities can continue to serve all citizens.
In this painful moment, we don’t want to forget those who have been experienced this “abandonment” for a long time: the silent victims of the conflicts still going on in too many countries of the world; the global tragedy of migrants and refugees; deaths from old and new epidemics on the African continent and beyond.
Today more than ever we feel that we all belong to one “family”: humanity. This is why we ask Countries’ officials, politicians, and members of international institutions, to work more and more in synergy to protect and promote human rights in all their aspects, keeping the good of each person as the highest priority, taking care of and acting “towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood” (Declaration of Human Rights, Art. 1), in particular, for the right to health.
Recalling the invitation made by Chiara Lubich at the United Nations (New York, May 28, 1997) to “love the country of the other as one’s own”, we ask for real solidarity between States, in sharing resources, tools, research, and medical personnel for the common good and in creating humanitarian corridors for the most vulnerable, isolated populations who lack the possibility of accessing the necessities of life.
In doing so, we will contribute to building real fraternity among peoples!
Thanks to those who write to us sharing their testimonies, we already see fraternity increasing as a reality locally and globally.
Many are the small and large, simple and heroic acts of fraternity that give care, consolation, serenity, and relief… with much creativity. They even arrive at the extreme act of giving one’s life.
On the website www.unitedworldproject.org, the main program of our New Humanity NGO, and its social media, we wish to make our contribution, offering these examples of “Fraternity in progress”, we called them #PillsOfHope. It is our way to show the good that advances, that no virus can stop.
Marco Desalvo
New Humanity NGO, President