United World Project


Launching of the UWP in Zambia

14 April 2013   |   , ,


Last year I was in Europe, and I attended an international meeting in Budapest – Hungary. It was the Genfest 2012, a youth meeting like this DYD (Diocesan Youth Day), we were youth coming from all over the world. We were more than 12,000 present in Budapest and connected to more than half a million youth through the social networks. The theme of the Genfest was “Let’s Bridge”. The aim was to build “bridges of fraternity” between different peoples, different cultures, different ages…
And it was there, in the Genfest that this new project was launched. Since then, we are working very hard on this project.

With the “United World Project” we are promoting the United World, promoting Universal Fraternity, by showing the whole world that the world is called to unity (…). And we can see that in the history of humanity, all peoples of the world are marching in this direction. Even if it is slow march, it is an unstoppable journey towards universal fraternity.
We can see it, for example, in the way the world is been organized. Here in Africa there is the SADC that tries to unite the Southern part of Africa. In South America there another organization that aims at the same goal: MERCOSUR. Same goes with the European Union in Europe… 
All this, and many other things assure us that unity is the future of the world. 
We are youth, it is very true that we are the future of humanity, but we are also the present!

Do we want to show the world that we are present committed to this ideal!?
As youth today, what can we give to the world!?
What can Zambia give to the entire world!?
It is clear that each and every one of us has gifts to give. The gifts received from God.

So, basically, the “United World Project” is raising awareness that each person is called to universal fraternity, and this already exists”.