Living Peace: an intense month of June

The past month was rich of small and big initiatives for the activists of Living Peace International around the whole world. Numerous are the projects, meetings, courses, and activities to spread and educate on the culture of peace. Here, we narrate to you a few….
Let’s begin with Argentina. Carlos Palma, the founder of Living Peace International (LPI) landed there on the 1st of June to participate in the peace summit organized by the Mil Milenios de Paz foundation. The first appointment of a long tour that took him to meet students and teachers of institutes of all levels in Argentina and Brazil, committed to building peace in every area, often starting with the care of Creation.
A few examples. On the 2nd of June, Carlos attended the inauguration of a new Peace Dice at Merlo, a city around 30 kilometers from Buenos Aires, along the right bank of the Reconquista River. The drawings on each of its sides were the fruit of a peace education journey and a successful collaboration amongst the students of no less than 86 schools in the city. Their artwork, sketches, and drawings were displayed in an exhibition held during the inauguration. At the same time, a festival enriched by the schools’ artistic contributions was held, in which the Living Peace project was presented, and two new ambassadors were appointed. There were about 700 people present at the event, of whom 35 were private and public-school inspectors.

On the 15th of June, Carlos was already in Brazil, where he met the students and professors of the Casucha di Santo Antônio da Platina college in the state of Pernambuco. “We never imagined that a cardboard dice of peace could produce so many fruits – he commented – we met young generations who care about peace, who witness it in so many ways: with experiences, songs, dozens of personal letters full of affection and gratitude, gifts, presentations of projects and activities in the educational and social field….. A real concert of peace with many different notes and a strong commitment to create and spread its culture!”. In the afternoon, Brazil’s 30th Dice of Peace was inaugurated. This time it’s dedicated to ecology and peace: it’s called “the Earth Cube“. It was placed in the Municipal Ecological Park thanks to the support of the Platinense Municipality.
You can follow the rest of Carlos Palma’s journey in South America by CLICKING HERE.
In the meantime, in Congo
While Carlos Palma continued his journey amongst the participants of the Living Peace network in South America, in the first week of June, the local animators of Goma (Democratic Republic of Congo), the Children for Unity and Peace visited an educational center housing their peers, victims of the recent clashes, in the displaced camp of Kanyaruchinya (North Kivu province). The aim was to integrate their educational programme with the peace education journey proposed by LPI through the Peace Dice and Time Out, the daily prayer for peace.

In Peru
In the elementary school of Sarita Colonia di Iquitos, an integral ecology education project is taking place to live peace with the environment. Always in the first week of June, in the area of this initiative, the students verified the care of buildings, attention to energy saving, and waste prevention in their school. The children also made some posters, mandalas, and capes to celebrate Environment Day with recycled material.
And again, Argentina
The fourth-year students of the Secondary School of Saint Matias, Argentina, within the field of the Eco School project, explored the impact of textile and clothing production on the environment, starting with the purchase of a new piece of clothing or accessory, reflecting above all on the use of the materials included in its production. After that, they designed their clothing with discarded materials and thought of different proposals, inviting others to take an interest in sustainable fashion, starting with the reuse of the waste we ourselves produce, creating a space for imagination and creativity.
Murcia, Spain
On the 13th of June, the choir of the Príncipe de España (Alhama de Murcia) school sang at a home for the elderly of the city and brought them a collection of peace mandalas made by the students. They also presented the initiative “Paint with Me,” inviting the guests at the home for the elderly to complete the mandalas with them. The elderly were very happy and asked for these visits to be repeated.
The young peace ambassador, Nicolás Maggi Berrueta along with the school of San José in the city of San Jacinto, visited the home for the elderly “La Quinta”. Children and grandparents worked together for peace.
The sixth grade students from the “Eloy Alfaro” Military School, working to care for the environment, created posters from recycled materials and placed them in the corridors of the institute, to motivate and spread a message of peace and love towards our planet.

On the 25th of June, the 3rd formation course organized by the Living Peace Network in Jordan and guided by the young peace ambassadors with the support of the teachers was held. A great moment of sharing and deep reflection on the importance of true gestures of reconciliation and forgiveness. A commitment that, all over the world, in different languages, is preparing a young generation of peace-generating ambassadors and great disseminators of this culture!
“At the base of this whole wave of peace that spreads transversally, entering every culture and religion, creating bridges between generations and races, there is a simple Dice of Peace that, with its six sentences, calls us all to be protagonists of its values, to then express them differently, creating a new culture to communicate hope to the largest number of hearts possible!”, (Carlos Palma).
To know more: http://livingpeaceinternational.org/it/