The 2018-2019 Guide of the Living Peace International Project

We publish the 2018-2019 Guide of the Living Peace International Project.
The guide can be downloaded in the various languages indicated:
The story
The project began in 2011, in Egypt, thanks to Carlos Palma, an Uruguayan teacher who, having experienced wars and conflicts in the Middle East for 25 years, wanted to find a concrete answer to the longing for peace.
Therefore he suggested to his students to begin each day rolling the “Dice of Peace” and to do the Time Out at noon. The mood in his class improved quickly: children began to help each other, teachers did not play favorites and sometimes they even apologised for their mistakes. This positive school climate improved everybody’s learning experience. Soon after, the whole school began using both the “Dice of Peace” and the “Time Out”. Sixty large dice and a strong desire to change education models and to open a dialog with everyone have literally changed the school.
Living Peace has since grown steadily thanks to the creative contribution of all the people who have joined it and become active members.