Building a culture of care as we emerge from Covid-19

An interactive webinar of lively discussion, sharing and thinking, with Dr. Lorna Gold (FaithInvest and Global Catholic Climate Movement) with contributions from Jane Mellett (Trócaire) and Nóirin Lynch (Margaret Aylward Centre).
The webinar is organised by Focolare Ireland as part of #daretocare, an international campaign that promotes active involvement with and appreciation of the most vulnerable in society and commitment to the health of the planet by having care as the guiding principle of action.
Dr. Lorna Gold (FaithInvest and Global Catholic Climate Movement) gives the key-note address: “Building a culture of care as we emerge from Covid-19”; with contributions from Jane Mellett (Trócaire) and Nóirin Lynch (Margaret Aylward Centre for Faith and Dialogue).
Other contributors of various ages and backgrounds from across the island of Ireland will share how they bring care to the community in which they live, in a time of great anxiety and change.
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