United World Project


Kyoko, Tokyo: Only little examples out of many experiences…

6 August 2015   |   , ,

So I stared a workshop in my personal room at home once in a month. Because I worked as a seamstress for 3 years, I know how to make things from cloth. In this way, I can give my availabilities to others to love. This workshop takes a caffe style so that they can feel at home and make new friends sharing their interests, problems whatever.

I invited various friends of schools, non-Japanese, and of different generations and one of those who was on a sowing machine for the first time, made an apron for her fiance. She was very happy and sent me messages saying, “My fiance is really happy to receive my handmade gift! That I’ve never done before.”

And one girl who has few chances to meet people from foreign countries said, “It was fun to know various friends and that got my outlook wider.”

Another girl who never thought that she was capable, discovered her new talent while she made such a pretty bag .And said, “I’m gonna show off my new bag and work on my new hobby!”

Those are only little examples out of many experiences. It is amazing because each time there is a different grace.I’d like to take care of this workshop as it could be a new hope to love my neighbors.