United World Project


United World Week in Argentina

4 May 2018   |   , ,

Various activities will be carried out in Argentina. The most popular one is an interreligious march for peace on May 6 at the Puente de la Mujer, in Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires.

Argentina is a country characterized by both ethnic and religious diversity. The last century marked the arrival of millions of European immigrants who escaped war and famine, Arabs who escaped persecution, immigrants from neighboring countries who were seeking work or prosperity. Therefore, those lands know what it is to live among different ones. Not without difficulties, but they manage to get ahead.


That is why in this Southern Country of the world there will be various activities that seek to give witness to that harmonious living among different cultures:


Run4Unity in Buenos Aires

On May 6, an interreligious march will take place on the Puente de la Mujer, a famous bridge designed by architect Calatrava, in the remarkable touristic area of Puerto Madero. Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, and people with other beliefs or values, will walk together to show that we can work for a more united world, overcoming differences. The walk will begin there and will end at the Ann Frank Memorial, giving an account of the testimony that this girl gave to the whole world.

Berazategui, Buenos Aires

In the city of Berazategui, in the South of the Province of Buenos Aires, young people will gather at a school to carry out, among other things, a race for peace with young people from several Southern cities (from Avellaneda to La Plata).

In Cordoba, the Cube of Peace continues

As previously stated, the Cube of Peace project continues in Cordoba, whereby our young people, together with other associations, carry out activities in marginal areas of the city to distribute this instrument of peace and dialogue as a tool they can take to their homes, schools, and their usual places to gradually spread a different culture.

Day for Unity, Rosario

A Day for Unity will be held in Rosario on May 16, organized by 7 movements of city youth. In the same way, there will be various meetings on formation for peace and responsible citizenship, together with experiences linked to peace in different areas of professional life.

Furthermore, in Resistencia, in the North, there will be an ecological day, in which trees will be planted and garden games will be played in a part of the city. Youth from Entre Ríos and Santa Fe will lead workshops and activities in a social center called “Casita Estrella” (Star Cottage).

These are some of the activities that will be carried out in Argentina, where, despite still having many barriers to overcome and bridges to build, there are already many roads under construction.