United World Project


A Decalogue for a Fraternal Education

14 October 2013   |   , ,
Learning Fraternity

2. Live the “art of loving” as the basis of every educational activity: love all, be the first to love and in an impartial way, assuming the other person’s needs, especially of the least.

3. Establish relationships of reciprocity among all those involved in the educational processes, through an “educational pact”, in which each one gives and receives and, together, it is carried out in unity with the others.

Fraternity: educating community

4. “Learn together in order to teach together”: face the problems and answer them with concrete initiatives together with those who share your same values so as to trans-form every educational environment into a place where fraternity reigns.

5. Create networks of relationships, establish synergies between people, groups and educational agencies favouring and consolidating relationships and exchanges, so as to discover and experience common fields of action and offer answers which are more adequate and incisive in the perspective of fraternity.

Fraternity: outskirts of the worldand existential outskirts

6. Promote and favour access to education, so that every child, teenager and youth of every country on earth may be guaranteed the necessary conditions for an integral growth and development, also through the commitment of institutions sustaining families.

7. Highlight the potentialities of children, teenagers and youth so that each one may express their own personality and fulfil their own path living out their best, recognizing and respecting the uniqueness and dignity of each one.

8. Accept conflict and personal, relational, cultural and social limitations so as to transform them into an occasion of growth and dialogue, always starting again.

Fraternity: universal being

9. Research, experience and spread the culture of fraternity, as a category that enlightens all the sciences, establishing unity between theory and practice so as to form “universal beings” who believe in values such as solidarity, the culture of giving and reciprocity which is the basis of relationships.

10. Go beyond “the boundary” of one’s own family, classroom, group, city, culture and country so as to learn and live together “the art” of fraternity and to make every educational environment a centre of diffusion of living fraternity, becoming citizens of the world.

Source: www.new-humanity.org